This year is the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, and Dr. Gord Heath has edited a volume on the Canadian Churches and the First World War.For more information on this book click on the link below: and Review:”The churches were one of Canada’s most comprehensive social institutions in the early 20th century. Their response to the Great War dramatically affected how the nation (and they) would survive the monumental challenge. Subverted and sidelined by the rampant ideological crosscurrents of the 20th century, that story is at last well told in these eleven finely nuanced, thoroughly documented essays. This is a most welcome and worthy companion piece to the recent flurry of new writing on ‘the war that ended peace.'”—Richard Allen, McMaster University, Canada”The eleven articles that Gordon L. Heath has collected depict the effort of Canadian churches, their chaplains, and women to cope with a world war. . . . The articles are provocative and full of compassion for those who served, died, remained at home grieving, and . . . refused to go to the killing fields. An important and thoughtful reflection for those interested in the place of Canadian churches in World War I!”—Terence J. Fay, University of St Michael’s College, Canada       


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