Cultural Interpretation of the Old Testament

OT 6P1000

As part of the Master of Arts in Global Christianity program, this course aims to equip students with tools for intercultural interpretation of the Old Testament. Within the broader goal of this program to evaluate the complexities of the Christian faith worldwide, this course explores how various cultural contexts can enrich the reading of Old Testament passages and contribute to the development of a culturally sensitive Old Testament theology. To achieve this, students will engage with select commentaries, articles, and essays where authors have employed culturally sensitive readings of the Old Testament. The course also examines how this culturally sensitive theology can challenge contemporary culture and promote positive social change. Special attention will be given to cultural hermeneutics, exegetical methods that incorporates cultural interpretation, and theological reflection, emphasizing how diverse cultures such as Asian, Latino/a, and African can provide valuable insights into the reading and understanding of the Old Testament.


  • Describe the main cultural constructs that shape each culture and understand how past historical events influence present cultural norms and values.
  • Explain your hermeneutical method for culturally sensitive reading of the Old Testament passages that remains faithful to your confession and includes rigorous exegesis of the biblical text.
  • Analyze and critically evaluate prominent examples of culturally sensitive interpretation of biblical passages.


  • Gain an in-depth understanding of your own culture and ethnic identity to recognize and appreciate how Bible could potentially inform it.
  • Reflect on how a culturally sensitive reading of the Old Testament enhances its relevance for your everyday life.
  • Identify how Old Testament theology, developed through intercultural reading, can be applied to our present context and transforms your culture into a more conducive environment for life.


  • Demonstrate a passion for further study of the Old Testament in personal and/or academic life and its application in ministry, recognizing its importance for everyday life.
  • Appreciating and employ culturally sensitive interpretations of the Old Testament.
  • Live out Old Testament theology to reinforce cultural norms and provide a sense of belonging and identity.