Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

CHTH G125-C06

Winter 2024
Tues 11:00am - 12:50pm

The course is designed to help prepare students for the challenges of teaching. Teaching requires an understanding of students in social, emotional, physical, and intellectual dimensions; every aspect of a student’s life is integrated in the learning experience of each student. Teaching and learning may take place in physical and/or virtual environments, each of which offer both benefits and challenges. One must consider these factors during the instructional design phase. This course covers both theory and practice of teaching, learning, and course design.


  • Define key terms in educational theory
  • Examine seven fundamental principles of learning
  • Consider various student-centered methods of enacting seven fundamental principles of learning
  • Identify the pros and cons that com with the use of technology in teaching and learning


  • Articulate a Christian worldview and philosophy of teaching
  • Establish appropriate habits for developing into a master teacher
  • Nurture the internal motivation required to be a lifelong learner
  • Develop technological savvy and creativity that will foster and bolster teaching and learning


  • Develop a syllabus for a course of your choice in both face-to-face mode and online (asynchronous) mode
  • Design lessons that integrate the sound learning theory and demonstrating proven teaching practices and that can be delivered multi-modally
  • Teach lessons that demonstrate a student-centered approach
  • Provide meaningful feedback on lessons
  • Evaluate the use of technology in teaching and learning