Foundations For Effective Ministry 2: Worship, Discipleship, And Telling God's Story
MS 2A03 / MS 2B03
How can we invite others to worship until we have met God in worship? How can we walk with others in discipleship unless we ourselves are on the path? How can we tell God’s story unless we have entered into God’s story through Scripture and experience?
The three foundations of effective ministry that we explore in this course begin with God’s ministry in our own lives. As we encounter God through worship, discipleship, and telling God’s story, then our ministry to others can become an outpouring of God’s work in our lives into the lives of those around us. However, does this mean that we can just rely on natural ability and personality to do this ministry? No, it doesn’t. Effective ministry requires that we reflect on our own encounters with God and how we are being shaped, and then to be intentional about how to communicate this meaningfully to those around us, whether we are in a formal or informal places of ministry.
You may be gifted in one or more of these areas, or you may not be sure that you are gifted in them at all. Together, we will discover that God has wonderful ways to use his design of us and to accomplish what he has called us to do. What this course will require of you is that you be fully engaged and work attentively to discover what God is doing in you, that you faithfully communicate in ways that build each other, and that you invest what you learn in the people to whom God has called you to minister.
- To know God more deeply – through personal worship, committed discipleship, and exploring God’s story for yourself.
- To understand more about God’s ministry calling in each area – to create space for others to worship, to walk with one another in discipleship, to tell God’s story so lives are changed.
- To appreciate the varieties of worship, modes of discipleship, and stories of God, and to learn from and teach one another in these ways.
- To examine and evaluate components of communication in the areas of worship, discipleship, and telling God’s story, and how they contribute to effective ministry.
- To reflect on how God is meeting with you through worship, discipleship, and his story.
- To discern where God is at work in your life and calling you deeper into these ministry areas.
- To allow biblical, historical, and contemporary fellow-believers to challenge and encourage you to grow into a fuller and deeper expression of spiritual life and ministry.
- To be shaped by our community’s giftings in worship, discipleship, or telling God’s story.
- To develop practical skills in each area: worship, discipleship, and telling God’s story.
- To explore the heart and mind engagement that is essential for ministry in each area.
- To develop discernment in assisting fellow students and others to flourish in these ministries.