Foundations In Theology And History 2

CH 1A03

Winter 2018
Tues 10:30 - 12:20PM

A fusion of Christian history and theology that explores the story of Christianity from a small band of disciples to the world’s largest religion that prepares you for your life of faith and ministry in today’s world. This foundational course provides the background necessary for further theological and historical studies.



  • ways the Church has grown and developed over the centuries
  • the process of theological development
  • a range of Christian perspectives in regards to the major categories of systematic theology
  • key Christian thinkers and theological traditions
  • various ways the Church has attempted to live in and engage with the wider culture



  • appreciate that theology is a dynamic and contextual effort to discern appropriate ways to embody the redemption revealed in Jesus Christ.
  • achieve greater appreciation for the diverse forms and theologies of the historical and global Church
  • explore (and ultimately appreciate) the different expressions of spirituality as practiced by the Church throughout history



  • assess documents and situations from an historical perspective
  • develop skills in the art of theological reflection and expression
  • identify and describe the dynamic and personal nature of theology
  • engage in the process of constructive theological reflection and expression
  • distinguish between the essentials and non-essentials of the Christian faith, particularly as this relates to cultural expressions of Christianity.