Greek Exegesis

NT 2G03

This course is an exegetical and interpretive study of the Johannine epistles based on the Greek text. It is intended for those who have had one year of Greek and wish to expand their knowledge of Greek and their ability to read the New Testament in its original language. Following a two-step hermeneutical approach, we will look closely at the Greek text and learn to understand and articulate its original historical meanings. We will then reflect on the contemporary relevance of the Johannine epistles. Elements to be studied include all passages in the epistles from exegetical, grammatical, translational, and theological perspectives.

Because this is a reading course, it is structured around weekly reading, translation assignments, and online discussions. There will also be short video lectures to assist students in increasing their understanding of Greek grammar. Assigned readings will be used to introduce the student to the background and theology of the Johannine epistles. An online forum will be set up on Avenue to Learn to facilitate a virtual learning environment. The instructor will engage with any questions raised in the forum and the assignments. Vocabulary quizzes and a final exam will test the student’s ability to read and analyze a Greek text.


  • To become familiar with the Greek text of the Johannine epistles for use in teaching and preaching
  • To gain an understanding of exegetical and theological issues involving the Johannine epistles and to be able to identify the relevant text(s)
  • To know more advanced concepts for study of the Greek of the NT and exegetical methods that aid in the interpretation of individual passages


  • To become competent interpreters of the text
  • To appreciate the value of being able to exegete the Greek text for use in ministry Dawson–Greek Exegesis (Johannine Epistles)
  • To allow the Johannine epistles to motivate, form, and transform one’s faith, worship, and Christian way of life


  • To master the skills necessary to exegete the Greek text of these documents
  • To explain key topics and major exegetical issues related to the Johannine literature
  • To develop and practice responsible exegetical methods that draw upon the varied resources available (, Greek grammar, commentaries, etc.)