Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

OT 3XH3/5XH5/6XH6

Fall 2019
Mon 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM

An introduction to the phenomenon and study of prophecy in the Old Testament through a focus on the prophetic books of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi as to their messages, theological contents, literary structures, and present significance. The historical and cultural background of the 6th and 5th Century B.C. will be examined as it relates to the prophetic messages.


  • That the students have a firm intellectual grasp of the content, literary form, historical context and theological teaching of these prophetic books in their historical, canonical and contemporary contexts.


  • That the students gain an appreciation for Old Testament prophetic books and their expression of theology.
  • That the students experience a deeper relationship with God through their encounter of God and his ways with humanity in the prophetic books.


  • That the students acquire competency in interpreting prophecy
    maintaining a balance between ancient context and contemporary significance.
  • That the students learn how to dialogue with the best of historical and
    contemporary research on prophetic books.