Interdisciplinary Studies—Biblical Theology*

CHTH G125 - C02 or CH/MS/NT/OT/TH 6ZB6

Drawing on recent studies and debates within the study of Biblical and Old Testament Theology, this course provides an opportunity for deeper reflection on the hermeneutics of Scripture within theology. In this course students will locate their academic discipline(s) within the broader context of theological and cultural reflection. It also exposes students to the resources of the biblical tradition for their MA/PhD studies.


  • To know the breadth of disciplines within the theological academy and to locate one’s own discipline within that context.
  • To know the role that canonical resources play within the theological enterprise and the role that theological resources play within the exegetical enterprise.
  • To know the development of the discipline of biblical theology and the impact of hermeneutical shifts on this discipline.


  • To fully embrace the global agenda of the theological enterprise.
  • To gain sensitivity and appreciation for theological disciplines outside one’s own expertise.
  • To reflect on and embrace a spiritual theology for the academic vocation.


  • To articulate the mission of one’s own particular discipline within the larger theological enterprise.
  • To showcase the biblical resources available for carrying out one’s particular academic theological pursuit.
  • To learn the skills and contact points for dialogue with those within other theological disciplines and for facilitating such dialogue among colleagues.