Living and Learning from the Psalms

OT 3XP3/5XP5/6XP6

This course explores the Book of Psalms as a catalyst for personal devotion and contemporary ministry. Giving attention to its original form and function within a worshipping and reading community will unlock its riches for life today both individually and corporately. Attention will be given to its historical setting, literary form, canonical shape, and biblical theological significance. Opportunities will be provided to hone skills for interpreting Hebrew poetry for life today as well as to create contemporary expressions based on the Psalms’ themes and forms.


That the students have a firm and thorough intellectual grasp of the content, literary form, historical context and theological teaching of the book of Psalms in its historical, canonical and contemporary contexts.


That the students gain an appreciation for the book of Psalms, its expression of theology, its significance for contemporary worship and teaching.

That the students encounter the triune God showcased in the psalms and experience a deepening in their relationship with this God.


That the students acquire competency in interpreting psalms maintaining a balance between ancient context and contemporary significance.