Ministry and Evangelical Thought

CHTH G125-C02 or TH 6XV6

Winter 2024
Mon 11:00am - 12:50pm

The purpose of this course is to explore how evangelicals have both thought and practiced ministry since the eighteenth century. Attention will be placed on the diversity of ministry structures, theologies, and dominant personalities, as well as on having students develop their own vocational objectives in the light of previous evangelical people and patterns.


  • To provide an understanding of how the evangelical ministry has grown and developed in a variety of countries and continents
  • To understand the various forms of ministry practiced by evangelicals over the centuries


  • To explore (and ultimately appreciate) the different expressions of spirituality and models of ministry as practiced by various evangelicals
  • To provide a sense of “place” within the many evangelical traditions, as well as a sense of direction for one’s own ministry


  • To develop a pattern for one’s own vocational direction
  • To develop in each student an ability to assess documents and situations from an historical perspective