Mission in Contemporary Culture
MS 3P1100/5P1100
This course provides an introduction to the principles and practice of the church and its mission in contemporary Western culture. The course will seek to help students develop a practical theology of mission by considering its biblical roots, historical practice, the nature of the church, the challenge of doing mission in contemporary culture, and emerging issues and approaches to mission in the current Western cultural milieu. Students will be encouraged to formulate creative approaches to mission and evangelism in their own social contexts as well as begin thinking about mission in other cultural contexts.
- This course will help students understand foundational scriptural and theological principles for the mission of the Church in contemporary culture.
- This course will help students to understand key features of contemporary Western culture (Canada in particular) as they relate to issues of spiritual need, and the proclamation of the Christian message.
- This course will help students to become conversant with strategies for equipping the church for mission and engaging the culture in missional enterprise.
- To encourage reflection and integration in terms of personal, congregational, and social aspects of Christian identity.
- To help students develop confidence in their own ability to lead a congregation in missional engagement in their community and world.
- To give students the opportunity to develop their own philosophy of mission and evangelism for local church ministry and consider strategies for implementation.
- To equip students with relevant strategies for personal and congregational mission.