Missional Theology (DPT)


Fall 2021
Tues 4:00 - 5:50pm

What does it mean to be a missional church in an increasingly post-Christian, secular, and religiously plural culture? This course explores that question with a comprehensive overview of missional theology and examples of its practice, particularly in North American culture. Biblical foundations and historical approaches to embodying the Gospel in cultural context are considered with primary focus on the contemporary “missional” movement (e.g., Newbigin, Bosch, Guder, Frost, Hirsch, Fitch).


  • Learn and expand key areas of your understanding of missional theology.
  • Become familiar with the contributions of key figures in missional theology and their relevance for your vocational venue and aspirations.
  • Begin to develop expertise in an area of missional theology.


  • Develop skills in critical and constructive practical theology.
  • Appreciate the value of current theological movements for the church and your life.
  • Be a respectable, respectful, and significant practical theologian.
  • Appreciate that theology is a dynamic and contextual effort to discern appropriate ways to embody the redemption revealed in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.


  • Develop the ability to present informative presentations and facilitate student discussions through online and digital avenues.
  • Conduct research and present that research on a substantial topic in missional theology that is significant for your current vocational venue and/or aspiration.
  • Hone critical reading skills in primary literature.
  • Develop the ability to discuss and present your research in missional theology in ways accessible to a popular/lay audience.