Missional Theology
TH 3XM3/5XM5/6XM6
What does it mean to be the church in an increasingly post-Christian, secular, and religiously pluralistic culture? This course explores this question through the lens of the contemporary movement of “missional theology.” The course provides a comprehensive overview of missional theology and examples of its practice, particularly in North American culture. Biblical, historical, and theological foundations for embodying the gospel in cultural context are considered. By the end of the course, you will be able to understand missional theology and learn how to apply it to your own practice of ministry or research.
- Learn key figures and ideas in the area of missional theology
- Become familiar with the ways missional theology has been put into practice in the contemporary church
- Develop skills in critical and constructive practical theology
- Analyze current trends in contemporary ministry and discern their relation with your own understanding of the church and ministry
- Develop concrete ideas for implementing insights of missional theology into your practice of ministry
- Refine critical thinking and research skills, as well as ability to present theological concepts in meaningful and accessible ways