Pastoral Counselling Theory

NS 3XC3/5XC5/6XC6

This course will examine the theory and practice of spiritual care and counseling in the context of Christian ministry and non-ecclesial settings (e.g., a counselling practice, chaplaincy & spiritual care). The course employs an iterative cycle which moves from a general understanding of counselling theory, to the theory of solution-focused or short-term counseling, to the practice of solution-focused or short-term counseling. Students will be invited to develop their practice skills, examine this theory in light of topics of interest or concern that are relevant to the student’s practice of ministry, and to reflect theologically on the practice of spiritual care and counseling.

Course Format:  This course is structured around online instruction and discussion. Each component of the course is intended to support the student’s learning and mastery of the subject: e.g., assigned readings will be introduce the topic, videos provide further information, while the quizzes and other assignments invite reflection on and application of the student’s learning, etc. Students are expected to complete the assigned readings in a timely manner, view the assigned videos as they become available, use the quizzes as opportunities for learning, contribute to the development of a collaborative learning community through their participation in online discussions.