Preaching in the Post-Christendom Era

MS 3XP3/5XP5/6XP6

Winter 2020
Tues 6:30 PM - 8:20 PM

“Simplifying to the extreme, I define postmodern as incredulity towards metanarratives” (Jean-François Lyotard). Preaching Christ to hearers who are instinctively dismissive of universal truth claims yet open to spiritual experience is no small challenge. Nonetheless, after discussing post-Christendom culture as an extension of the postmodern ethos and assessing recent homiletical responses, we will endeavour to construct a workable model for contemporary  proclamation that emphasizes narrative, community, Christology, and


  • To gain a basic familiarity with the characteristics of modernism, postmodernism, post-Christendom culture, and related developments.
  • To assess the relevance of these conceptual paradigms for proclamation of the Christian gospel.
  • To explore models of communication appropriate to each of the foregoing perspectives.


  • To explore and experience the implications of modernist and postmodern models of personal, social, and corporate identity.
  • To help students clarify the relationship between their own spirituality identity and contemporary cultural contexts.
  • To develop and function corporately as a community of learning.


  • To gain proficiency, as appropriate, in Scriptural exegesis for postmodern and subsequent cultural circumstances.
  • To develop skills in the presentation and delivery of sermons.