Research Methods
This course addresses the range of conceptual and practical skills relevant to graduate-level research, exploring the theory and practice of research methodologies as they apply to the theological disciplines. Issues under consideration will include the sources, nature, tools, and
ethics of scholarly research; building a cogent argument; presentation formats (proposals, reviews, etc.); and the process of compiling a research proposal.
- To understand the nature and components of academic research.
- To reflect analytically on and gain facility in logical argumentation through guided practice and interaction with peers.
- To gain familiarity with general and discipline-specific research methodologies.
- To reflect in personal terms on the rĂ´les of the researcher and scholar as an expression of Christian identity.
- To be formed as a scholar in the service of particular academic and Christian communities.
- To build a critical database of primary and secondary sources for a specific programme of post-graduate research.
- To formulate a focused and usable research (thesis/dissertation) proposal.
- To acquire facility in the presentation of research in a specific range of scholarly formats.