Septuagint Studies

CHTH G105 – C10 or NT/OT 6ZS6

This course in Septuagint Studies is a focused seminar on the major issues in contemporary Septuagint (LXX) studies. The field of Septuagint Studies has recently become an area of renewed scholarly interest, with the result that a variety of major issues are emerging as areas of serious debate. These include (but are not confined to) the nature and history of the Septuagint or Old Greek text, the Septuagint as a translation, the relationship between the Hebrew parent text and the Greek rendering, the use of the Septuagint in Hebrew textual criticism, the theological and historical tendencies of the Septuagint, the role of the Septuagint within Judaism and early Christianity, the use of the Septuagint (in relation to other versions) in the New Testament, the translations and various versions of the Septuagint, and the continuing function of the Septuagint in the life of the church, the construction of a diplomatic or eclectic text of the Septuagint, among many others. The course introduces the student to the major issues in contemporary Septuagint study and allows the student to explore other areas of interest, either for their own sake or as part of the Septuagint Studies area within the MDC PhD program. This course is led by both Professors Porter and Boda, with important input from others in the teaching area of Septuagint Studies within MDC. These other members of the teaching area are Claude Cox, Gus Konkel, Cynthia Westfall, and Al Wolters.


  • to understand the origins, history, and development of the Septuagint, in relation to the Hebrew Bible and in its own right
  • to understand the development of the Septuagint as a biblical text and as a translated document
  • to use the Septuagint as an important source in textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible
  • to trace the history of scholarship on the Septuagint
  • to evaluate as a whole and with regard to individual books the Septuagint as a translation
  • to understand the Septuagint as a religious document


  • to be and become a responsible interpreter of the Bible, in light of knowledge of the history and development of the Septuagint
  • to appreciate and apply in suitable ways insights into interpretation gained through the development of study of the Septuagint
  • to become a charitable giver and receiver of critical comments of others, to enhance their own understanding and abilities


  • to be able to understand and apply a range of critical perspectives on study of the Septuagint
  • to be able to express one’s understanding of issues in Septuagint study in both written and oral form
  • to raise and handle significant interpretive questions that emerge from study of the Septuagint
  • to learn to respond constructively and creatively to the range of issues in Septuagint study
  • to be able to give and accept critical comment from fellow scholars