Social Justice and the Bible
In our current cultural context, there are few issues more important and practical than social justice. How do we implement God’s justice on earth? This course has practical and urgent implications for the individual as well as the evangelical Church and its mission. This course will examine the biblical foundation for the definition and practice of social justice in the church, by exploring the Old Testament foundations, the theology and practice in the life of Jesus and the early church, and the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities for application in the contemporary Canadian, North American and global context. Content will be alternated with interactive activities of reflection and application. Each student will integrate the biblical content, course activities and field experience with their specialization.
- Understand the biblical basis for the practice of social justice for the individual, the church, society and global contexts.
- Learn exegetical principles that bring the diverse horizons together of the Old Testament contexts, the New Testament contexts and our contemporary contexts.
- Be a person committed to personal and communal righteousness.
- Be a person who integrates tangible connections between Scripture, theology and action.
- Research a biblical topic/theme, passage or practice that is relevant to one’s specialization and relates to the Church and current personal and communal practice.
- Interact critically with current biblical scholarship on social justice.
- Develop a life map centered on social justice.
- Engage in field experience in which social justice is being enacted in local contexts and theologically reflect on that experience.