Supervised Pastoral Education (SPE)

MS 3SP3b

Winter 2023
Wed 11:00 AM - 1:50 PM

Basic Pastoral Counselling Education (PCE) Units: Course-Based

“Course-based SPE” combines two types of education: formal or classroom-based instruction and experiential or practice-based instruction. Successful completion of MDC’s course-based SPE unit involves the successful completion of two approved counselling courses (one per semester) and both portions of practice-based education in the same academic year. The educational components of practice-based educational experience include clinical practice experience in a setting approved by MDC, participation in scheduled supervision sessions (individual/dyadic supervision & group supervision), ethical/spiritual reflection, theory building, and reflecting on the “safe and effective use of self” (i.e., interpersonal relations). The student’s clinical work will be supervised by means of audio/video tapes and/or verbatims which will be shared within the supervision group. Students enrolled in a Basic unit of course-based SPE are expected to complete and document a minimum of 125 hours of direct client contact by the end of the second semester.

Advanced Pastoral Counselling Education (PCE) Units: Unit-Based

“Unit-based PCE” is available to individuals who have graduated from MDC’s specialization in Counseling and Spiritual Care. Depending on enrollment, a graduate of MDC’s specialization in Counseling and Spiritual Care may be accepted as a “Unit-based PCE” student as long as they are not taking the place of a student who is currently registered in coursework at MDC. To receive credit for this integrative learning experience the student must educational components of the PCE. These educational components include attendance at scheduled supervision sessions at MDC (individual/dyadic supervision & group supervision), clinical practice experience, ethical/spiritual reflection, theory building, and reflecting on the “safe and effective use of self” (i.e., interpersonal relations), assigned readings, and written assignments. The student’s clinical work will be supervised by means of audio/video tapes and/or verbatims which will be shared within the supervision group. Individuals enrolled in an Advanced unit of unit based PCE are expected to complete and document a minimum of 150 hours of direct client contact (Note: students whose goal is to be certified by CASC/ACSS are advised that they need to complete 500 hours of direct client contact at the Advanced level before they can proceed for certification).