Synoptic Gospels
CHTH G105-C06; NT 6ZE6
This is the PhD course in which we encounter the person of Jesus and the narratives about him. This course provides a brief overview of the critical issues in the study of Jesus and the Synoptics and a seminar-led exploration of different facets of the Synoptic Gospels by the students. The student research and presentations may include topics such as the critique and application of various synoptic methodologies, aspects of the quest for the historic Jesus, any work in a given synoptic gospel, or other topics that are limited to the study of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
- Understand current and historical issues surrounding the Synoptic Gospels including genre, oral tradition, Q, the relationship between the Synoptics, and the historical Jesus.
- Understand critical and other contemporary methodologies that are applied to the Synoptics and how they are applied.
- Acquire a generalist understanding of the Synoptics.
- Be a gospels scholar who maintains a deep devotion to Jesus
- Become an expert in one aspect of Synoptic study
- Become skilled in applying a methodology to a Synoptic issue, topic or text
- Become a generalist in Synoptic study, prepared to teach a college level course
- Appreciate the contribution of Synoptic studies to biblical studies, theology and ministry
- Research a synoptic issue, topic or text and write an academic paper
- Explore and apply a suitable methodology to the selected issue, topic or text
- Give presentations that simulate paper presentations in conferences and the classroom
- Respond to another students paper, in writing, in presentation, and in classroom discussion, simulating the function of a respondent/participant in a conference session, and practicing skills that are applicable to academic work including writing reviews, critiques and editorial recommendations.
- Compose a syllabus that displays pedagogic skill and a generalist’s understanding