Systematic Theology (PhD/MA)


Fall 2022
Mon 11:00am - 12:50pm

How do our beliefs about God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ impact our Christian life and ministry? How do we relate our Christian faith to the changing world of today? This course addresses these questions through an exploration of the rich content of Christian theology and its application to contemporary issues of Christian life and ministry. Intersecting biblical faith with the multiple dimensions of our lives is vital for a flourishing relationship with God. I invite you to join me on an investigation of the ways that our views of the task of theology, revelation and Scripture, the Trinity, Christ, theologies of creation and human beings as divine image bearers, the church, and eschatology can open up new horizons of Christian formation and ministry.


  • The process of theological development.
  • A range of Christian perspectives on the major categories of systematic theology.
  • Key Christian thinkers and theological traditions.


  • Appreciate that theology is a dynamic and contextual effort to discern appropriate ways to embody the redemption revealed in Jesus Christ.
  • Embrace a deeper sense of your Christian identity vis-à-vis the diverse trajectories of Christian theology.
  • Reflect on how alternative theologies and spiritualities can positively contribute to your process of spiritual formation.


  • Develop skills in the art of theological reflection and expression.
  • Identify and describe the dynamic and personal nature of theology.
  • Engage in the process of constructive theological reflection by describing the way(s) the class (readings, lectures, etc.) has shaped your understanding of what it means to be a Christian.