The Gospel of Luke (Greek Exegesis)


Fall 2022
Wed 4:00 - 5:50pm

The Gospel of Luke is an exciting challenge for students of Greek, both for its fascinating content (epitomized by the infancy narratives) and for its high style of Greek. This class meets in conjunction with the study of the Gospel of Luke in the English Bible (see description), and meets an extra hour a week to provide an introduction to intermediate Greek grammar applied to the translation and exegetical study of selected passages of the Greek text.


  • Understand social, historical, literary and religious contexts of features in passages
  • Consider the message and structure of a text as a whole and in terms of its component parts
  • Increase one’s knowledge of the Greek of the New Testament through interaction with the Greek in Luke and its vocabulary, and the use of grammars and modern tools


  • Build skills in Greek in terms of vocabulary and reference tools in order to benefit from advanced commentaries and articles
  • Integrate Greek exegesis and translation with the study of the Gospel of Luke and the person, life, and teaching of Jesus


  • Analyze the meaning of Greek features including grammar, syntax, lexicography, discourse and textual criticism
  • Apply Luke (and the analysis of the Greek texts) to concrete ministry contexts through dynamic translations and applications for a target group.