The Old Testament in the New Testament Printer-friendly version
CHTH G105-C01, NT/OT 6ZN6
Since 1989, there has been a growing interest in the way that the New Testament interacts with Old Testament texts and Second Temple literature. This course provides an overview and an in-depth exploration of the issues involved in understanding the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, the spectrum of fields of study and methodologies utilized in different approaches, and the controversies involved in that relationship.
- Understand debates surrounding the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament
- Understand the use of the term “intertextuality” in linguistics and biblical studies.
- Be familiar with the occurrence of Old Testament themes, characters, quotations and allusions in the New Testament.
- Recognize the role of Second Temple Literature in the understanding and interpretation of the OT in the NT
- Be a scholar who works towards a coherent integration of Old Testament and New Testament studies as well as theology.
- Appreciate the variety of uses of the Old Testament and the ways that biblical writers utilized the texts to make meaning.
- Have a sense of appreciation of the Old Testament’s foundational nature and contribution to the New Testament.
- Practice an approach to the study of the OT in the NT and apply an appropriate methodology.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the issues of the OT in the NT and engage in critical thinking, the formation of penetrating questions and irenic response in interaction and response papers.
- Practice skills for conference presentation and publication.
- Practice the skills of revision after receiving feedback.
- Design a syllabus for the university level that incorporates the insights from the lectures, seminars and readings