The Rise of Modern Christianity

CH 3P1020/5P1050

Winter 2025
Thur 4:00pm - 5:50pm

This course offers an overview of the development of Christianity in the “modern” era—so, from just before the Reformation to the present day. The topic is enormous, and we cannot begin to treat it in depth: while recognizing the impact of Eastern Christianity in its several manifestations and acknowledging the significance of the spread of Christianity throughout the world by the present day, we will focus on what has transpired in Western Christendom. To do that we will especially consider the movements which divided Western Christianity, the ones that sought to reunite it, and some significant contemporary struggles within North American evangelicalism.


  • to acquaint students with the broad history of how Western Christendom has developed
  • to enable students to recognize significant tendencies toward division and reunion in Christianity’s history during the period
  • to help students understand challenges to and criticisms of Christianity as it has developed in the modern era


  • to stimulate an appreciation for the challenges of both defending the Christian faith and welcoming other articulations of that faith
  • to develop a sense of being rooted in a historic faith which has impacted the world


  • to develop in each student an ability to evaluate the ways Christianity has developed in the modern era
  • to help students acquire the ability to appreciate what has developed well and to listen carefully to critical viewpoints articulating better ways of going forward