Women in Christian Ministry
The debate on the role of women in the home, church and society remains one of the major issues among North American evangelicals and there have been some major developments in the conversation and debate in the last five years. The focus of this course is the biblical, theological and social support for women in ministry, as well as their roles as equal partners in the creation mandate and equal heirs in the kingdom of God. Whatever your position, this course can be a vital path for understanding the times. Christian leaders and committed lay people will do well to understand the current situation, work on a coherent biblical theology, and discern their own role and ministry or courses of action in the home, the church and culture. This course will give each student the opportunity and resources to explore this issue in their area of specialization and to benefit from the insights and contributions of the other areas.
This online course relates to the Church & Culture, Biblical Studies, Christian Worldview and Pastoral Studies. The format of the course will include videos on topics, weekly zoom discussion sessions, online sharing of resources, and major papers. The reading will include current scholarship and encourage book reviews for extra credit in some of the influential (and ground-breaking) recent publications.
- Relate to and express the various issues, practices, and problems related to women in ministry.
- Explore the role gender has played in the student’s own story.
- Identify the key biblical texts that concern women in ministry within a coherent biblical theology through the readings and lectures.
- Awareness of his or her identity in Christ, as a synthesis of gender, life story, calling, and community.
- Be a proactive participant in the evangelical conversation on gender in a way that is consistent with your calling, practice and research interest.
- Process solutions to current issues and concerns about women in ministry and gender with classmates.
- Write an exegetical paper on a relevant passage, research a topic of personal interest concerning gender and ministry, or produce a portfolio project on gender in the area of specialization.
- Discern his or her specific calling or responsibility concerning women in the church, home and society.