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Nathaniel H. Parker Chapel,
McMaster Divinity College
Tue, October 01, 2024
Start: 02:00 PM
End: 03:00 PM

Don Martin, our Poet-in-Residence, will be speaking in Chapel this week, talking about “The Centrality of Creativity.”

Don hosts a publication through MDC on our website. It is called Poems of the Ephesians, a journal of poetry that leaps out of the images, ideas, and inspirations of the Book of Ephesians. This web-journal is an on-going project, with poems by some very famous authors, past and present, as well as poems by poets who are not yet as well known, including some MDC poets. If you are interested in poetry or are a poet yourself, contact Don directly at martid17@mcmaster.ca

Our Chapel services are open to all who would like to join us. We meet in-person in the Nathaniel Parker Memorial Chapel at McMaster Divinity College or via livestream.

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