1280 Main Street West
Hamilton , ON
Start: 07:00 PM
End: 09:00 PM
The next Linguistics Circle is coming up on Thursday, October 10, 7–9pm. The presenter for this meeting is Aaron Jung, PhD student in New Testament, who will be presenting a paper entitled “Information Structure of the Speech in Acts 2 and Its Core Message.” This study conducts an analysis of the information structure of the speech in Acts 2, employing a slightly modified version of the methodology proposed by Stanley E. Porter and Matthew B. O’Donnell for the study of Biblical Greek. The primary aim is to uncover the core emphasis of Peter’s speech in Acts 2 through a structural examination of the text.
Anyone who is interested in joining is most welcome to join, students, faculty, staff, or anyone else who is interested. As usual, there is a pre-Circle dinner gathering at 5pm. We will meet in Cullen Hall near the back doors (that face the centre of campus) and walk together to a nearby restaurant (most likely the Phoenix on campus).
As customary, our discussion will be held in the College board room, as well as on Zoom (link below) for those who are unable to join in person. For any questions or comments, please contact co-chairs Dr. Stanley Porter or Dr. David Yoon (yoond2@mcmaster.ca), or email CBLTE directly (cblte@mcmaster.ca) to get access to the paper in advance. We look forward to kicking off the year with a stimulating discussion on information structure and Acts 2!
Zoom: Launch Meeting – Zoom
Password: z00m