Start: 01:00 PM
End: 02:00 PM
At this week’s Theological Research Seminar, Aaron Jung will be presenting, “Intention and Interpretation of the Bible.”
Read the abstract and his bio below.
All are welcome to attend in Camelford Hall (room 226) at McMaster Divinity College at 1:00pm or via livestream at the link below:
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This study explores the intricate interplay between authorial intention and the text as a hermeneutical inquiry. William K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley’s seminal essay, “The Intentional Fallacy,” not only ignited polemical debates on the role of an author’s intentions in textual interpretation but also catalyzed a paradigm shift in modern hermeneutics, paving the way for the rise of New Criticism. This shift profoundly influenced Biblical Studies, a discipline in which interpreters have traditionally focused on discerning the intentions of the author or originating community, often with limited engagement with the complexities of intentionality in interpretation. However, even contemporary literary approaches to Biblical Studies frequently emphasize the author’s intention without fully considering the fundamental relationship between intention and text. Accordingly, this study revisits the debates surrounding authorial intention and seeks to propose a thoughtful approach to biblical interpretation.
Aaron Jung is a PhD stduent in Christian Theology, with a concentration in New Testament studies. As both a Baptist pastor and social worker, he possesses extensive experience working with an NGO dedicated to adolescents, as well as serving in a local church in South Korea. Now residing in Hamilton with his wife, Jisoon, and their daughter, Ina, he is deeply dedicated to the rigorous study of Scripture and its effective proclamation through preaching. His scholarly interests extend across a diverse range of disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, pedagogy, literary studies, and linguistics.
About TRS
The MDC Theological Research Seminar (TRS) is a bimonthly gathering for all MDC students and faculty. TRS meets from 1:00 PM to 1:50 PM on alternating Mondays, and includes about thirty minutes for the paper presentation and twenty minutes for discussion.
All advanced degree students are invited to present a paper and share your research with your colleagues. TRS is an excellent opportunity to “test drive” a paper you will be presenting at an upcoming conference and receive helpful feedback on your current research projects. Thinking about submitting an article to a journal and want some interaction first? TRS will provide it. Just published an article or an essay and want to share it us? TRS is an excellent opportunity to broadcast it.
This year the organizing committee consists of Dr. James Dvorak, Dr. Phil Zylla, and Dr. Gord Heath. To submit a paper, contact a member of the organizing committee.