Website Morningside-High Park Presbyterian Church
POSITION DESCRIPTION Youth Ministry Coordinator
The youth ministry coordinator at Morningside High Park Presbyterian Church listens for God’s guidance as they shape a vision for ministry with youth that is responsive to the spiritual and social desires and aspirations of young people, and facilitates interweaving of youth and the broader congregation.
The Youth Ministry Coordinator facilitates the development of young people’s identity as children of God and valued members of Christ’s Church.
Reports to:
1. Minister
2. Chair of Christian Education Team
Key Ministry Relationships:
Middle School and High School youth
Parents of youth
Key Responsibilities
Develop vision for ministry with Youth
Watch and listen to identify characteristics of current ministry
· Assist in the discernment of current needs and future directions of youth ministry within the congregation, according to current needs in the congregation.
Encourage excitement and support for Youth Ministry within the congregation with Minister and Christian Education Team
Assist in the review and possible revision of this job description to more accurately reflect the purpose and role of the Youth Ministry Coordinator within the first six months.
Facilitate ministry with Youth
Meet with current high school students, and engage with them in the short term while deciding future directions.
Plan for future bridging between Sunday school and youth groups
Meet with Parents of youth to discuss the needs that they see, and the ways that they can support their children and the youth programs at MHP
· Build relationships with children, youth, and parents.
Key Outcomes
Children will look forward to joining a junior youth group
Middle school youth understand their identity as valued children of God
High School aged youth consider their faith and their involvement with Church to be increasingly independent of their parent’s faith and Church involvement
Youth who move away for post-secondary choose to be involved in a church in their new community
Vibrant and growing faith in Jesus Christ
Excitement for youth
Disposition of a learner
Ability to develop leadership in others
Enrolled in or completed a post-graduate Christian ministry program (preferred)
Possess or will obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check
Start Date: Spring 2025
Hours: 20 hours per week @ $25.00/hr
Term: 43 weeks per year, not including summer months
To apply for this job email your details to pastorcherie@gmail.com