Join us in congratulating the following doctoral students on their successful doctoral dissertation defences!
Thank you to the members of each committee, and especially our external examiners who have participated.
March 31, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Cynthia Chau! Many thanks to Dr. Jonathan Watt from Geneva College for serving as External Examiner.
March 24, 2022
Congratulation to Dr. Doosuk Kim! Thank you to External Examiner, Dr. David Mathewson from Denver Seminary.
Congratulations to Dr. Adam Rudy! Thank you to External Examiner Dr. Stuart Macdonald from Knox College.
March 18, 2022
Congratulations to DPT student, Dr. Stephen Barkley! Thank you to External Examiner Rev. Dr. Jacqui Grey from Alphacrusis College.
Congratulations to Dr. Darlene Seal! Thank you to External Examiner Dr. J. Brian Tucker from Moody Bible Institute.