Starting this weekend, a number of MDC’s faculty, students, and alumni will be participating in Ottawa’s Congress 2015 from May 30th to June 5th. Congress is an annual gathering of approximately 70 scholarly associations holding their annual conference in conjunction with each other. This year’s theme is ‘Capital Ideas’. To find more information about Congress, visit For information on our presenters, see below:FacultyMark Boda – Presenting at CSBS (Canadian Society for Biblical Studies) “Digging Below the Surface of the Nocturnal Visions of Zechariah”, Presider for the Peter C. Craigie Memorial lecturePaul Evans – Presenting at CSBS (Canadian Society for Biblical Studies) “Creating a New Great Divide: The Exoticization of Ancient Culture in Some Recent Orality Studies”Gord Heath – Presenting at CSCH (Canadian Society of Church History) “‘The old imperial traditions are being modified’: The Evolution of Imperialism among Canadian Protestants, 1919-1939”Wendy Porter – Presenting at CSCH (Canadian Society of Church History) “A Women’s Quartet and an Anonymous Gospel Choir: The Remarkable Lives and Ministry of Black Baptist Women in Late Nineteenth-Century Ontario”StudentsAlexander Breitkopf, Founders Prize Paper – “The Importance of Response in the Interpretation of Job” (CSBS)Joshua Gardner – “Diverging Purposes in Micah and Isaiah” (CSBS)David J. Fuller – “Homi K. Bhabha and the “bene yisrael”: Postcolonial Probings into the Chronicler’s Construction of Northern Israelian Cultural Identity” (CSBS) & “An Examination of Metaphors Surrounding Passages Conveying a Negative Perspective on Foreign Nations in Book Five of the Psalter” (CETA)Ambrose Thomson – “Priority of Divine Presence in Exodus” (CETA)AlumniAndrew Gabriel, Horizon College and Seminary – “Findings from a longitudinal study of clergy in Canada’s largest Pentecostal denomination” (with Adam Stewart, Algoma University)Xiaxia Xue (China Graduate School of Theology) – “James’s Viewpoint on Faith and Works: An Intertextual Thematic Analysis of James 2:14 – 16″Edward Ho (Chinese Online School of Theology) – “Who is the “First Man” in Job?”