During the 2013 Convocation service of McMaster Divinity College, Reverend David Wells, General Superintendent of the PAOC, received the Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa. Principal and Dean Dr. Stanley E. Porter noted the selection of Wells due to his life of service reflecting the Knowing, Being, Doing paradigm of the College. Wells served as a participant in the day’s activities, including McMaster Divinity College’s Service of Celebration, where he spoke regarding “A Vital Faith,” noting that “spiritual vitality linked with theological vitality leads to missional vitality.” During the convocation ceremony, Wells spoke to graduates and guests highlighting the need for leaders who are “humble but not timid” and “life-long learners but certain of the Gospel.”When reflecting on the relationship between McMaster Divinity College and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, Dr. Porter recalls a rich and healthy history. Multiple alumni serve as ministers with the PAOC, many within the Western Ontario District, where the College is located. Doctor of Philosophy graduates Andrew Gabriel (2010) and David Courey (2011), both Principal’s Gold Medal recipients, serve the PAOC in the academy and the local church. Rev. David Shepherd, former District Superintendent for the Western Ontario District, also served for many years as a mentor to students in the Master of Divinity program. McMaster Divinity College once again wishes Reverend Dr. David Wells congratulations and looks forward to further supporting ministers and members of the PAOC!


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