Linguistic Stylistics

CHTH G105-C09 - NT/OT 6ZG6

Fall 2018
Tues 2:00 PM -3:50 PM

This course focuses upon developing appropriate linguistic models and linguistically-based approaches to the study of the New Testament as a piece of Greek literature (and Hebrew Bible for those approaching it through Hebrew). Linguistics traditionally focuses upon occasional instances of natural language, but has often neglected the study of literature. This course addresses this shortcoming by working to develop appropriate linguistic methods for the analysis of literature (note that this is not a Bible as literature course, but a linguistics course using linguistics to study the Bible considered as a collection of pieces of literature). Although students can utilize a range of discourse theories and linguistic approaches in this course, the professor will approach the topic from the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics. This course may be taken by those working in either Greek or Hebrew, and may be repeated in a new program with new content. This course will fulfill the expectations for Linguistic Modeling, with an added dimension addressed to literature.


  • To develop the student’s ability to formulate and analyze advanced linguistic methods and models appropriate to study of the Bible as a piece of written literature in its original languages.
  • To master the pertinent secondary scholarly literature regarding such methods and models.
  • To gain familiarity with a wide variety of linguistic models as applied to the study of literature.


  • To become a competent constructive critic of the linguistic models of others.
  • To apply such methods or models in appropriate and interesting ways to enhance understanding of the Bible.
  • To become an astute linguistic analyst of literature.


  • To be able to articulate the nature of the method or model chosen in dialogue with others.
  • To become competent at devising and developing relevant linguistic models for biblical analysis.
  • To utilize recent advances in supporting media, such as, in the development of such methods and models.