The Rhetorical Interpretation Of Scripture: Essays From The 1996 Malibu Conference
After a four-page introduction by the editors, this volume offers a tribute to T. H. Olbricht by R. T. Hughes, Olbricht’s curriculum vitae, and an interview with Olbricht (conducted by E. M. Olbricht) on his Hearing God’s Voice (1996). Then it presents papers by J.D.H. Amador on interpretive unicity–the drive toward monological (monotheistic) rhetoric, D. Patrick with A. Scult on rhetoric and ideology–a debate within biblical scholarship over the import of persuasion, G. Martín-Asensio on Hallidayan functional grammar as heir to NT rhetorical criticism, T. H. Olbricht on classical rhetorical criticism and historical reconstructions–a critique, D. F. Watson on the contributions and limitations of Greco-Roman rhetorical theory for constructing the rhetorical and historical situations of a Pauline epistle, K. Yamada on the preface to the Lukan writings and rhetorical historiography, L. G.Bloomquist on rhetorical argumentation and the culture of apocalyptic–a socio-rhetorical analysis of Lk 21, I. J. Jolivet on the Lukan account of Paul’s conversion and Hermagorean stasis theory, Porter on Paul as epistolographer and rhetorician, Stamps on the theological rhetoric of the Pauline epistles, G. S. Holland on the self against the self in Rom 7:7-25, A. Eriksson on special topics in 1 Corinthians 8–10, L. Thurén on whether Paul was angry–derhetorizing Galatians, T. W. Seid on synkrisis in Hebrews 7–the rhetorical structure and strategy, and M. W. Patrick on autobiography and rhetoric–anger in Ignatius of Antioch.