Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care

MS 3XY3/5XY5

Spring 2022
Mon 10:00 - 11:50am

This course will study the roles of the professional chaplain in contemporary society, the values that give shape to these roles, and the skills required to provide spiritual care outside the context of the congregational ministry. Particular attention will be placed on the dynamics of working in a multi-disciplinary, multi-ethnic and multi-faith environment, and the relationship of the chaplain to the institution or organization with which they work.


  • To examine theologies and theories that inform the work of chaplaincy in a secular multi-faith context.
  • To reflect on the scope of practice for professional chaplaincy or spiritual care and the skills required to be effective in this ministry.
  • To understand the challenges of working in a context of secular pluralism while maintaining fidelity to one’s own beliefs and practices.


  • Through reflection on practice, to become self-aware of the student’s potential strengths and short-comings as a chaplain or spiritual care provider and how these could impact the delivery of spiritual care.
  • To be and become a responsible agent of hope, reconciliation and change in the lives of others.


  • To develop strategies for facilitating spiritual growth and healing in those who access spiritual care services.
  • To explore and form a theology/philosophy for one’s own spiritual care work.