To Request a Transcript, Replacement Parchment, or Certification of Degree

MDiv or MTS Students/Graduates who started their program prior to Fall 2020

MDiv or MTS students who started their program prior to Fall 2020 (or received a McMaster University degree) should request documents such as transcripts and replacement diploma parchments from McMaster University using the instructions at this link.

All Other Students/Graduates

Request official documents such as a transcript, a diploma parchment replacement, or a certification of degree by filling out the form at this link. There are processing fees associated with each document type.

Citation Links

Please note, the following links are shared as a resource for students. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure their accuracy and reliability.


Helpful Links for the MDC Community

International Student Services
Immigration Information for Visa Students
Guide to using the Digital Theological Library
McMaster University Library Services
Guide to Using McMaster Library Services
Student Wellness Centre
Graduate Student Health Plan
Health and Safety Manual
Educational Technology Help Page
Student Support Program