History and Vision

McMaster Divinity College Press was inaugurated in 2007 to encourage a range of publishing goals. These include dissemination of proceedings from conferences hosted by the College, volumes written or edited by MDC faculty members and graduates, and manuscripts produced by others whose work is compatible with the ethos and mission of McMaster Divinity College. To realize these goals, MDC Press works with Wipf and Stock Publishers in Eugene, Oregon, to publish collaboratively.

The Press practices a rigorous peer review system for its publications. It reviews and accepts work for publication and manages the production of the manuscript, including copyediting and text-preparation. Authors sign contracts with Wipf and Stock, who typeset, print, and market the publication. The partnership has resulted in development of a very positive and productive publishing programme, and serves MDC and its authors well. The print-on-demand format is conducive to publishing books that other publishers are unwilling to accept due to limited anticipated sales, and to keeping books in print far longer than conventional publishing.




Dr. Stanley E. Porter




Dr. John J.H. Lee

Managing Editor




MDC Press has seven series under which the books we publish are arranged:

Submitting a Book Proposal

To submit a book proposal, please contact the MDC Press Managing Editor with the following information:

  1. Working Title and Subtitle
  2. Author/editor(s) full names, mailing address, phone number and email address.
  3. Author/editor(s) CV or biographical information including employment, degrees, credentials, and previous publication. (If the book is an edited volume, please give some information about the contributors, such as qualification and employment location).
  4. Brief (100-300 word) description of the book being proposed
  5. Table of Contents
  6. Estimated length (in words)
  7. Intended audience
  8. Include a sample chapter if one is available, or the whole manuscript if it exists.

Note: Books submitted for consideration must be able to fit into one of series 1 to 4.

Style Guide

MDC Press uses the Style Guide of Wipf & Stock Publishers. See the Author Guide on the wipfandstock.com website. Especially note Stages 3 and 4 and Appendixes B, C, D, and E.


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