History and Vision
McMaster Divinity College Press was inaugurated in 2007 to encourage a range of publishing goals. These include dissemination of proceedings from conferences hosted by the College, volumes written or edited by MDC faculty members and graduates, and manuscripts produced by others whose work is compatible with the ethos and mission of McMaster Divinity College. To realize these goals, MDC Press works with Wipf and Stock Publishers in Eugene, Oregon, to publish collaboratively.
The Press practices a rigorous peer review system for its publications. It reviews and accepts work for publication and manages the production of the manuscript, including copyediting and text-preparation. Authors sign contracts with Wipf and Stock, who typeset, print, and market the publication. The partnership has resulted in development of a very positive and productive publishing programme, and serves MDC and its authors well. The print-on-demand format is conducive to publishing books that other publishers are unwilling to accept due to limited anticipated sales, and to keeping books in print far longer than conventional publishing.
Dr. Stanley E. Porter
Dr. John J.H. Lee
Managing Editor
MDC Press has seven series under which the books we publish are arranged:
Biblical Studies Series
- Harrison, John, and James D. Dvorak, eds. The New Testament Church: the Challenge of Developing Ecclesiologies. (Biblical Studies Series 1) (2012).
- Porter, Stanley E., and Sean A. Adams, eds. Pillars in the History of Biblical Interpretation (2 vols.) (Biblical Studies Series 2) (2016)
Volume 1
Volume 2 - Ahn, Suk-il. The Persuasive Portrayal of David and Solomon in Chronicles: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Speeches and Prayers in the David-Solomon Narrative (Biblical Studies Series 3) (2018).
- Rogers, Bret A. Jesus as the Pierced One: The Use of Zechariah 12:10 in John’s Gospel and Revelation (Biblical Studies Series 4) (2020).
- Wright, Adam Z. Of Conflict and Concealment: The Gospel of Mark as Tragedy (Biblical Studies Series 5) (2020).
- Porter, Stanley E., and Zachary K. Dawson, eds. Pillars in the History of Biblical Interpretation, Volume 3 (Biblical Studies Series 6) (2021)
- Numada, Jonathan. John and Anti-Judaism: Reading the Gospel in Light of Greco-Roman Culture (Biblical Studies Series 7) (2021)
- Camp, Phillip G., and Elaine A. Phillips, eds. Speaking with God: Probing Old Testament Prayers for Contemporary Significance (Biblical Studies 8) (2021)
- Wadholm, Rick, Jr., and Meghan D. Musy, eds. Community: Biblical and Theological Reflections in Honor of August H. Konkel (Biblical Studies 9) (2022)
- Porter, Stanley E., and Alan E. Kurschner, eds. The Future Restoration of Israel: A Response to Supersessionism (Biblical Studies 10) (2023)
- Miller, Robert. Finding Beauty in the Bible: An Aesthetic Commentary on the Song of Songs (Biblical Studies 11) (2023)
- Lam, Tat Yu. The Signs of the New Temple: The Tabernacle Signs in John’s Gospel (Biblical Studies 12) (2023)
Theological Studies Series
- Studebaker, Steve, ed. Defining Issues in Pentecostalism: Classical and Emergent. (Theological Studies Series 1) (2008).
- Studebaker, Steve, ed. Pentecostalism and Globalization: The Impact of Globalization on Pentecostal Theology and Ministry. (Theological Studies Series 2) (2010).
- Croteau, David. You Mean I Don’t Have to Tithe? (Theological Studies Series 3) (2010).
- Heath, Gordon L. and James D. Dvorak, eds. Baptism: Historical, Theological and Pastoral Perspectives. (Theological Studies Series 4) (2011).
- West, Steven D. Resurrection, Scripture and Reformed Apologetics. (Theological Studies Series 5) (2012).
- Heath, Gordon L., and Steven M. Studebaker, eds. The Globalization of Christianity: Implications for Christian Ministry and Theology.(Theological Studies Series 6) (2014).
- Trementozzi, David. Salvation in the Flesh: Understanding How Embodiment Shapes Christian Faith (Theological Studies Series 7) (2018).
- Suh, Edward. The Empowering God: Redeeming the Prosperity Movement and Overcoming Victim Trauma in the Poor (Theological Studies Series 8) (2021)
Ministry Studies Series
- Dow, Thomas. When Storms Come: A Christian Look at Job. (Ministry Studies Series 1) (2010).
- Zylla, Phil. Virtue as Consent to Being. (Ministry Studies Series 2) (2011).
- Pyles, Franklin, and Lee Beach. The Whole Gospel for the Whole Word. (Ministry Studies Series 3) (2016).
- Studebaker, Steven M., ed. Pentecostal Preaching and Ministry in Multicultural and Post-Christian Canada. (Ministry Studies Series 4) (2019).
- Heath, Gordon L., Dallas Friesen, and Taylor Murray. Baptists in Canada: Their History and Polity (Ministry Studies Series 5) (2020).
General Studies Series
- Downey, Deane, and Stanley Porter, eds. Christian Worldview and the Academic Disciplines: Crossing the Academy. (General Series 1) (2009).
- Heath, Gordon L. and Paul Wilson, eds. Baptists and Public Life in Canada. (General Series 2; CBHS 1) (2012).
- Porter, Stanley E., ed. Those Who Can, Teach: Teaching as Christian Vocation. (General Series 3) (2013).
- Heath, Gordon L., ed. Canadian Churches and the First World War. (General Series 4) (2014).
- Heath, Gordon L. and Michael A. G. Haykin, eds. Baptists and War: Essays on Baptists and Military Conflict 1640s–1990s. (General Series 5; CBHS 2) (2015).
- King, Sandra L., ed. The 1857 Hamilton, Ontario Revival: An Exploration of the Origins of the Layman’s Revival and the Second Great Awakening. (General Series 6) (2015).
- Heath, Gordon L., ed. American Churches and the First World War. (General Series 7) (2016).
- Bowler, Sharon M., ed. Canadian Baptist Women. (General Studies 8; CBHS 3) (2016).
- Porter, Stanley E., ed. Inaugurations: Inaugural Lectures Delivered at McMaster Divinity College, (General Studies 9) (2017).
- Heath, Gordon L., and David K. Tarus, eds. Christian Responses to Terrorism: The Kenyan Experience. (General Series 10) (2017).
- Heath, Gordon L., ed. Empire from the Margins: Religious Minorities in Canada and the South African War. (General Series 11) (2017).
- Porter, Stanley E., and Bruce G. Fawcett, eds. Christian Higher Education in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities (General Series 12) (2020)
- Studebaker, Steven M., and Gordon L. Heath, eds. The Reformation: Past Voices, Current Implications (General Series 13) (2021)
- Murray, Taylor, and Paul R. Wilson, eds. Canadian Baptist Fundamentalism 1878-1978 (General Series 14) (2022)
New Testament Studies Series
- Porter, Stanley E., and Cynthia Long Westfall, eds. Christian Mission: Old Testament Foundations and New Testament Developments. (Bingham 2006; MNTS 1) (2010).
- Porter, Stanley E., and Cynthia Long Westfall, eds. Empire in the New Testament. (Bingham 2007; MNTS 2) (2011).
- Porter, Stanley E., and Cynthia Long Westfall, eds. The Church Then and Now. (Bingham 2008; MNTS 3) (2012).
- Porter, Stanley E., ed. Rejection: God’s Refugees in Biblical and Contemporary Perspective. (Bingham 2013; MNTS 4) (2015).
- Porter, Wendy J., ed. Rediscovering Worship: Past, Present, and Future. (Bingham 2010; MNTS 5) (2015).
- Westfall, Cynthia Long, and Bryan Dyer, eds.The Bible and Social Justice. (Bingham 2012; MNTS 6) (2015).
- Porter, Stanley E., and Francis G. H. Pang, eds. The Letter to the Romans: Exegesis and Application (Bingham 2014; MNTS 7) (2018).
- Porter, Stanley E., and Hughson T. Ong, eds. Is the Gospel Good News? (Bingham 2015; MNTS 8) (2019).
- Porter, Stanley E., Christopher D. Land, and Francis G. H. Pang, eds. Linguistics and the Bible: Retrospects and Prospects. (Bingham 2016; MNTS 9) (2019)
- Porter, Stanley E., and Wendy J. Porter, eds. The Arts and the Bible (Bingham 2017; MNTS 10) (2024)
Linguistic Exegesis of the New Testament
- Dvorak, James D., and Zachary K. Dawson, eds. The Epistle of James: Linguistic Exegesis of an Early Christian Letter. (Linguistic Exegesis of the New Testament 1) (2019).
McMaster Studies in Practical Theology
- Ferguson, Neil K. Practice-Led Theology: A Model for Faith-Based Research. (McMaster Studies in Practical Theology 1) (2024).
Submitting a Book Proposal
To submit a book proposal, please contact the MDC Press Managing Editor with the following information:
- Working Title and Subtitle
- Author/editor(s) full names, mailing address, phone number and email address.
- Author/editor(s) CV or biographical information including employment, degrees, credentials, and previous publication. (If the book is an edited volume, please give some information about the contributors, such as qualification and employment location).
- Brief (100-300 word) description of the book being proposed
- Table of Contents
- Estimated length (in words)
- Intended audience
- Include a sample chapter if one is available, or the whole manuscript if it exists.
Note: Books submitted for consideration must be able to fit into one of series 1 to 4.
Style Guide
MDC Press uses the Style Guide of Wipf & Stock Publishers. See the Author Guide on the wipfandstock.com website. Especially note Stages 3 and 4 and Appendixes B, C, D, and E.
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