Hebrew Syntax (Jonah and Ruth)

OT 2E03

This course develops the students’ understanding of Hebrew syntax. It involves a deeper study of Hebrew grammar using the books of Jonah and Ruth. It considers the historical and cultural context of these books, their meaning, and their place in the story of Israel. It also considers their relevance and meaning for the church today. A major focus, however, is developing competency in translating and exegeting the Hebrew text with reference to more advanced grammars and secondary sources. This course will continue the emphasis of Hebrew 1 and 2: how the linguistic elements, both syntactic and semantic, contribute to meaning.


  • To understand the cultural, historical, and situational context of the books of Ruth and Jonah
  • To increase knowledge of Hebrew vocabulary by focusing on the books of Ruth and Jonah
  • To develop a deeper knowledge of Hebrew syntax and the way it functions to communicate meaning


  • “To present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Tim 2:15)
  • To be a mature and responsible interpreter of Scripture as taught by the Spirit (1 Cor 2:6–16)
  • To allow the books of Ruth and Jonah to motivate, form, and transform our faith, worship, and Christian way of life


  • To develop skill in translating Hebrew in a way that effectively communicates meaning
  • To use available linguistic information intelligently in understanding and interpreting Hebrew Scripture
  • To move from grammatical analysis to interpretation and application
  • To apply the message of Ruth and Jonah to contemporary society