Just Food? Hunger and Food in Scripture and Ministry
An exploration of topics related to food and hunger in the Bible and the Christian life. Food connects us to social justice concerns, global poverty, personal and environmental health, animal ethics, hospitality, our spirituality, and more. This course will discuss the dynamics of food production, distribution, and consumption in biblical and contemporary contexts, and will allow for sharing meals together and addressing a cause of interest. Students will interact with diverse perspectives and write about food-related blessings and challenges for their own ministry contexts as they cultivate a theology of food. The course will encourage us all to eat “just” food in both senses of the term.
Program Specializations (MDiv/MTS/Auditors): Biblical Studies (BS), Pastoral Studies (PS), Christian Worldview (CW), Church and Culture (CC). Occasional, L.O.P., Non-Degree Students, and Auditors are most welcome.
- To learn about several themes related to food and beverages in the Bible (Scripture)
- To become more familiar with the agrarian world behind the biblical texts
- To see the connections food has to theology, ecology, ethics, politics, economics, etc.
- To understand the role of food in different worldviews, both Western and non-Western
- To understand today’s food concerns as informed by Scripture and Christian traditions
- To learn some of the diverse options for addressing these contemporary issues
- To grow in gratitude for our Creator’s provision for us and all creatures
- To appreciate the relevance of Scripture for today’s eating practices
- To become more aware of personal dietary choices and the impacts of such choices
- To grow in empathy for those who are malnourished, whether stuffed or starved
- To appreciate the globalized character of Christian life and ministry in North America
- To become more committed to being part of the solutions, whatever that may look like
- To grow in hopefulness that our Redeemer will end our disordered eating at his return
- To reflect in writing on how food relates to your Christian identity and ministry
- To interact critically and charitably with the readings, videos, and issues
- To cultivate your own theology of food, addressing both personal and global practices
- To interface with multi-cultural contexts, using food as common ground
- To produce lessons, sermons, or written research on issues you find compelling
- To visit a farm, farmers market, or community garden, etc., and/or research where and how some of your staple food items were grown or raised
- To prepare contributions that will help your faith community engage with food and hunger issues at some level
- To choose new patterns so you can eat “just” food more of the time!