Spiritual Theology in the Hebrew Bible
This course examines the Old Testament as a key source for Christian spirituality and resource for how Christians may live a faithful life in contemporary society. Emphasis is first placed upon historical dimension of the text with ancient Israelite faith and spiritual practice examined under the rubrics of Creation, Covenant, Cult, Community and Commission. Knowledge of Old Testament spirituality will enable one to put true Christian spirituality in perspective. This course will demonstrate the indebtedness of Christian spirituality to the Old Testament and underscore its significance for contemporary spiritual practice and faith. The course will also reflect upon ways in which contemporary Christian spirituality can be informed, sustained, and nourished by the Old Testament. Furthermore, a foundation of OT spirituality will aid in discernment of truth from error with problematic modern spiritualities
- To know the place of spirituality in OT theology
- To know the content of OT Creational theology and the significance of the ‘goodness of creation’ and the image of God for Christian spirituality
- To know the OT covenant texts and their foundational role for a spirituality of interconnectedness and relationship with and dependence upon God
- To understand the OT theological emphasis on community as opposed to modern individualism and the call toward the community of the faith
- To understand the cult of ancient Israel and the significance of its worship and sacrificial system as a means of restoring God’s people and allowing a close relationship with God
- To understand the commissioning of Israel to be a kingdom of priests, with a mission of mercy and ministry to the larger world.
- To embrace the contemporary relevance of the Old Testament for Christian spirituality today
- To grow closer to God through study of Old Testament spirituality
- To be able to discuss the relation of OT spirituality with modern discussions of spiritual life and Christian practice
- To be able to interpret relevant OT texts in their original contexts
- To be able to apply OT spirituality to contemporary audiences
- To be able to apply OT spirituality to our own lives