Research Methods


Fall 2021
Mon 1:00 - 2:50pm

This course explores the theory and practice of research methodologies as they apply to post-graduate study within the theological disciplines. This course will lead students through the process of creating and completing a dissertation proposal. Topics covered will include: writing a clear thesis statement, demonstrating the need for new research, showing proper documentation, building a critical database of primary and secondary sources for the dissertation, the importance of methodology, building a cogent argument, and writing a focused and usable dissertation proposal.


  • To gain familiarity and facility with general and discipline-specific research methodologies
  • To reflect analytically on the nature of research through guided practice and interaction with peers.


  • To reflect in personal terms on the role of the researcher and scholar as an expression of Christian identity.
  • To be formed as a scholar in the service of particular academic and Christian communities.


  • To build a critical database of primary and secondary sources for a specific programme of post-graduate research.
  • To formulate a focused and usable thesis proposal
  • To acquire facility in the presentation of research in a specific range of scholarly formats.