Theology of Leadership*
TH 3XN3/5XN5/6XN6
This course explores contemporary approaches to Christian leadership and proposes a theology of leadership as participation in the mission of the Triune God. The course evaluates the explicit and implicit theological assumptions of contemporary views on Christian leadership. It considers ways that biblical leaders, such as Jesus and Paul, can guide today’s Christian leaders. The course provides students with the opportunity to evaluate contemporary approaches to Christian ministry and to develop a theology of Christian leadership for their vocational setting and practice.
- Know and describe a variety of contemporary approaches to Christian leadership.
- Identify and evaluate examples of biblical leadership.
- Identify theological categories and principles of Christian leadership.
- Appreciate that theology is a dynamic and contextual effort to discern appropriate ways to embody the redemption revealed in Jesus Christ.
- Embrace a deeper sense of theological vision of Christian leadership vis-à-vis other Christian leadership approaches.
- Develop a greater appreciation for what it means to be a Christian leader.
- Write an essay that assess a biblical example of leadership and considers its contribution to a contemporary theology of Christian leadership.
- Write an essay that describes and theologically evaluates a contemporary approach to Christian leadership.
- Develop and write an essay that sets forth your theological vision of Christian leadership.
- Read select texts in contemporary Christian leadership.
- Cultivate skills in critical and creative theological reflection.