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Tue, February 20, 2024
Start: 10:00 AM
End: 12:00 PM

Hoping to get somewhere with your assignments over reading week? Considering coming to an online academic writing lab on Tuesday February 20, 10am to 12pm, sponsored by the DSA!

This online lab will give an opportunity for students to bring their current writing projects from various courses and work together on improving our academic writing. Ambrose Thomson will guide us through basic composition and argumentation skills.

We will also get a hands-on preview of an MDC essay template, including tips and tricks for using the powerful composition tools in Microsoft Word to improve writing efficiency.  And yes, we will even go through basic MDC Style Guide elements that need to be mastered on every paper.

Join us on Tuesday February 20th, 10am-12pm ET over Zoom (online only).

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