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Thu, February 15, 2024
Start: 12:00 PM
End: 01:00 PM

You are invited to join us on Thursday, February 15, 2024, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm for a live webinar by Dr. Phil C. Zylla on “Fostering Congregational Spiritual Formation.”

While many of our spiritual practices and discipleship models focus on the spiritual development of the individual, this seminar takes up perspective on the ‘spiritual enclaves’ that cultivate sustainable spiritual development in our churches. Of particular interest are the formative frameworks that support pastors and spiritual leaders of Christian communities to expand their vision for Christian discipleship, particularly in a post-Covid environment.

Highlights include:

  • How to build community in a post-Covid context when many people are moving to further isolation and withdrawal from the community.
  • This webinar will assist spiritual leaders with strategies for how to adapt to the needs and interests of various spiritual ‘types’ and to promote their vibrant engagement in the congregation.
  • A reconsideration of the nature of Christian discipleship and strategies that accelerate the engagement of a wide spectrum of persons-in-community.
  • The description of practices that can assist in the formation-of-community that can be applied to a variety of church contexts.

This free webinar is open to all who are interested in this topic. To attend, register at the link below. The meeting link will be emailed to you prior to the event.


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