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Camelford Hall (Room 226),
Wed, January 24, 2024
Start: 01:00 PM
End: 01:50 PM

All are welcome to attend in Camelford Hall (room 226) at McMaster Divinity College at 1:00pm or via livestream at the link below:

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At this week’s Theological Research Seminar, Kwasi Boakye will be presenting, “Revivalism, Repatriation, and Re-Colonization: The Baptist Mission, Lott Cary, and the Liberia Project.” Read the abstract and his bio below.


When the population of free blacks was rising in the US in the early 1800s, the American Colonization Society (ACS) claimed that American blacks could not integrate into American society. They reasoned that repatriation would solve the apparent problems of integration and slavery. The ACS implemented this solution with the help of a missionary-minded clergy who saw it as an opportunity to advance the cause of missions in Africa. Lott Cary (c1780–1828), an African-American Baptist minister, became an icon of this mission. I am focusing on the Baptist church and Cary’s mission, especially his role in the “Liberia project” (a project to repatriate free blacks to Liberia). I propose that the church’s relationship with the project was counterproductive to her missionary cause because of three issues. The first is the controversial justification for the project. Secondly, Lott Cary’s work as a missionary produced mixed results because of his association with the ACS. Thirdly, like many state-sanctioned Christian missions, I believe the Liberia attempt has left a dark legacy. Through the church’s polity and practices, I probe why the Baptist church collaborated with the ACS in the project.


Originally from Ghana, I moved to Canada two years ago. I currently pastor Paris Baptist Church in Paris, Ontario, but previously served as Interim Pastor at First Baptist Church, Guelph, and then as Volunteer Pastor at Little Bethel Community Church, Hamilton. I earned my first degree in Chemistry, trained as an industrial Quality Assurance Personnel, and worked in the Cocoa-processing industry for many years. I am in the PhD (Christian Theology) program, and my research interests are Historical Mission, “Reverse Mission,” and African Spirituality.

Albert Einstein, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Benson Idahosa are some historical figures who have inspired me the most. Aside from pastoring and writing, I love to stand over the Grand River and stare at the horizon.

About TRS

The MDC Theological Research Seminar (TRS) is a bimonthly gathering for all MDC students and faculty. TRS meets over the lunch hour on Wednesdays, and includes about thirty minutes for the paper presentation and twenty minutes for discussion.

All advanced degree students are invited to present a paper and share your research with your colleagues. TRS is an excellent opportunity to “test drive” a paper you will be presenting at an upcoming conference and receive helpful feedback on your current research projects. Thinking about submitting an article to a journal and want some interaction first? TRS will provide it. Just published an article or an essay and want to share it us? TRS is an excellent opportunity to broadcast it.

This year the organizing committee consists of Dr. Francis Pang, Dr. Phil Zylla, and Dr. Gord Heath. To submit a paper, contact a member of the organizing committee.