Konkel is currently professor of Old Testament at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario. He is president emeritus of Providence University College and Seminary in Otterburne. He served as president from 2001-2012. He began as professor of Old Testament at Providence Theological Seminary in 1984. His publications include work as a translator for the New Living Translation, a contributor of notes for the Study Bible of the NLT in Chronicles, and notes for the Study Bible of the English Standard translation in Job. He was a contributor to the New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis (Zondervan). He has published commentaries on Job (Tyndale Press), 1 & 2 Kings (Zondervan), and 1 & 2 Chronicles (Herald Press). His published research specializes in textual criticism and Biblical Theology. His current major project is a commentary on Deuteronomy for the English Standard Version to be completed in 2019.