Goran Zivkovic
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Global Christianity
Goran began teaching in 2008 as a lecturer in biblical languages at Belgrade Theological Seminary (Serbia). Since 2023 he has worked as an Associate Professor of Old Testament at Theologische Hochschule Friedensau (Germany). He earned a M.A in Biblical Studies from University of Wales Trinity Saint David (United Kingdom) and a Ph.D. from McMaster Divinity College (Canada). In his Ph.D. dissertation “Rites in and Out of Place: A Critical Examination of the Ritual Production of Space in Haggai–Zechariah 1–8” he developed a new approach that integrates insights from ritual studies and critical spatiality in order to address the complex dynamics of the ritual production of space as delineated in this corpus. Goran regularly attends and presents papers at academic conferences and serves as a member of the steering committee of the Ritual in the Biblical World Section of the Society of Biblical Literature. His research interests include biblical interpretation using different socio-scientific approaches, especially ritual studies, spatial theory, and ecological hermeneutics. Goran and his wife, Branka, have lived and served in five different countries and are proud parents of two children, Sarah and Nathan.