1280 Main St W
Hamilton , ON
Start: 12:00 PM
End: 01:00 PM
Join us for our Lunch & Learn event for pastors and ministry leaders, hosted by the Centre for Church and Culture on April 4, 2024. Our guest speaker, Dr. Lydia Jaeger will be sharing on, “Why Science Needs the Church & the Church Needs Science.”
Dr. Lydia Jaeger
“Why Science Needs the Church & the Church Needs Science”
While many Christians and church leaders have long ago reconciled in their minds the connection between faith and modern science, there remains an uneasy (dis-)trust between many Christians and the scientific community. This is a tragic rift, because science blossomed from the bud of a Christian world view and it has returned benefits that have complemented the Christian world view as well as biblical studies and the church’s ministry.
Dr. Jaeger is Lecturer and Academic Dean at Institut Biblique de Nogent-sur-Marne (France). Her most recent publication, Ordinary Splendor: Living in God’s Creation was a 2024 Christianity Today Book Award Finalist.
A hot buffet lunch will be served, followed by a time for questions and discussion.
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