The Bible In Three Dimensions: Essays In Celebration Of Forty Years Of Biblical Studies In The University Of Sheffield
Prepared to mark forty years of biblical studies at the University of Sheffield, this volume presents eighteen papers under three headings: literary readings (six), studies in the social world of Israel and early Christianity (six), and questions of method (six). The papers pertinent to the NT are by A. T. Lincoln on Matthew as a story for teachers, Porter on irony as the key to the parable of the unjust steward in Lk 16:1-13, L. Alexander on skepticism toward the written word in early Christian and Greco-Roman texts, C. J. A. Hickling on baptism in the 1st-century churches, B. D. Chilton on a coin of three realms in Mt 17:24-27, A. C. Thiselton on models and methods, M. G. Brett on the taxonomy of interpretative interests, and Fowl on the ethics of interpretation. Also included are a preface by the editors and two short articles on biblical studies at Sheffield by J. W. Rogerson and F. F. Bruce.