Dr. Mark Boda, Professor of Old Testament, presented in Jerusalem, May 12-13, at the Convergence and Divergence in Pentateuchal Theory Conference. The event was a gathering of the world’s top experts in Pentateuchal studies seeking to enhance dialogue between the three key centres of research: Israel, North America, and Europe.Boda was invited to deliver a paper in a session discussing the impact of the Pentateuch on the Prophets. His paper, “The Use of Sibling Rivalry Traditions in Zechariah 9-14,” looks at the way in which this portion of Zechariah combines traditions from the book of Genesis related to sibling rivalry with traditions from the prophets (Joshua-2 Kings/Isaiah-Malachi) on prophet crisis. The work demonstrates a common strategy in both major sections of Zechariah 9-14, but also highlights a key problem within the community at the time of Zechariah 9-14.